Umfrage Abschnitt 1 Complexity of the article Psychological characteristics of the article Stylistic features Survey results Categories How much information does the article have? Length of the Headline The headline contains a lot of information to attract attention. This makes the title long. Accurate Not accurate Cannot answer Similarity in Content The body of the text and the headline have little similarity in content. Accurate Not accurate Cannot answer Headline Resembles a Sentence The headline is structured similarly to a sentence and already makes statements about a topic or a person. Accurate Not accurate Cannot answer How is the body of the text structured? Short Font Body The article consists of a short text. Accurate Not accurate Cannot answer Simple Sentence Structure Sentences are relatively simply formulated and have a small number of words. Accurate Not accurate Cannot answer Lexical and Content Similarity The text shows little diversity on a lexical and content level. Accurate Not accurate Cannot answer High Number of Spelling Mistakes The text contains many spelling mistakes. Accurate Not accurate Cannot answer How understandable is the article? Education Level The text tends to contain fewer syllables per word and fewer words per sentence, and a lower level of education is assumed among the readers. Accurate Not accurate Cannot answer Semantic Incoherence The text contains few connected (cohesive) word pairs and few connected sentences. Accurate Not accurate Cannot answer How much information does the article contain? Amount of Information The article contains either very little information or an overload of information. Accurate Not accurate Cannot answer Lack of New Information The body text contains little new information and serves mainly to support the claims made in the headline. Accurate Not accurate Cannot answer Lack of Thematic Redundancy The text contains only a few direct or indirect references to the topic itself. Thematic redundancies are minimal. Accurate Not accurate Cannot answer Back Continue